Wednesday 5 September 2012

?To do list? for camping - Travel - Travel Tips

September is, in my opinion, a great month for going camping, especially if you are looking for some peace of mind without having to spend a fortune. The weather in the UK might not be the best now (has ever been that good this summer?), but still, you can get some really good deals at this time of the year. Plus, you won't probably have a big bunch of kids screaming during the night while getting drunk. So, like every year, I am about to go for some stress-free holiday, far from the city, far from public transports, seeking some relax for my brain and soul. I remember, when I first started going camping with my mates, how badly organised I was and how, each and every year, I used to encounter problems during my holidays because I used to bring too many unessential things, forgetting the basics stuff, making the whole experience a real nightmare. I will therefore make a very short but comprehensive list of those key things you should never (and I repeat, never!) forget to take with you, especially for those of you with little or zero experience about camping.

Tent (and more): this might sound too obvious to be included in the list, but the reason why I mention it is because many people (believe me!) sometimes forget something, be it the tent pegs or the roll mat. I will not spend much time on this, but just remember to make sure that all the equipment you need to build a tent and sleep well is with you. So, sleeping bag, fly sheet, ground sheet and tent pegs should not be left at home. I would strongly suggest to put up the tent beforehand, making sure you have everything you need and avoid a hell of a holiday.

Swiss knife: it is of great help to bring a Swiss knife with you, as it would make your life easier. Rather than bringing heavy and useless tools that you would probably never use, remember that with one little Swiss knife, which you could easily carry inside your pocket, you can solve many situations. With a Swiss knife you can tighten or loosen a screw, cut food with the knife, use scissors to cut fabrics and so on. Furthermore, a pair of tweezers (which you find in any Swiss knife) becomes very useful in situations when you need to remove pieces of glass or wood from your skin, something that can easily happen while camping. You don't necessarily need a chunky Swiss knife, as even the basic one would do its job perfectly.

Torch: carrying a torch with you is of extreme importance when camping as you would need it during the night to put up your tent and for any other activity during the night which require some sort of light. In fact, depending on where you go camping, you will probably be in the darkness during the night, reason why, in order to move around and avoid crashing into something or someone, have always a torch with you.

Corkscrew: you do not want to end up thirsty during your holidays as you have forgotten to carry a corkscrew. One of the best moments when camping is the time right after you have put up the tent: sit down, watch the sun melting with the sea while holding a deserved glass of merlot. I say this because you should never end up blaming yourself because you have not carried a corkscrew with you, having to go around the camping site for someone who can lend you one or having to open the bottle in some other odd ways.

Matches: do not forget matches. This is obviously addressed to non-smokers who do not carry lighters or matches in their pockets. Setting a small campfire is something you will probably do for several reasons, be it for cooking, to fight the cold or even, and it happened to me when I was young and wild, to keep unfriendly animals away from your tent. Never forget them.

First Aid kit: when I was younger I used not to care at all about possible injuries that might happen during holidays, reason why I never carried first aid kit with me. I guess I am not that young anymore (damn!), but at least experience has thought me that accidents can always happen. As I presume you don't want to ruin your holidays because of this, a kit with all the essentials is highly advisable. I am not talking about a huge piece of metal full of everything a nurse might possible need during all his/her career, but just a few plasters, a roller bandage, aspirins and some antiseptic liquid. That's it, nothing more than this!

Apart from this essential list of items, the rest will be completely up to you. Having said this, I can now finish to pack my luggage and get ready for my camping holiday in Wales. Finally!

sport lover

Motorhome Hire UK

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