Tuesday 4 September 2012

The joys of camping holidays - Travel

Camping holidays - possibly the vaguest of terms to describe what should be and often is the "holiday of a lifetime" which is affordable year after year. Camping holidays can be spent in tents, of course, but very often the term refers to mobile home holidays, caravan holidays and even chalets, but this page is about holidays camping in tents.

At the tender age of nearly 62 I don't do tent camping holidays anymore, not because I don't like it or have become too old for it but because for one reason or another my body has lots of metal bits in it which have probably contributed to the arthritis I have these days, so the more comfortable I am the less those places hurt.I started to take camping holidays just after passing the driving test many years ago, and more often than not in those days I would go with three other lads in whatever knackered old banger we could rustle up between us - I'm talking early 1960's here when the roads were relatively uncluttered and cars were not subject to the rigorous roadworthyness tests which apply now. We would take turns with the driving and used to drive through the night to the South of France. Every day brought a new experience for us all, a puncture, a minor breakdown, whatever, until we arrived at long last and were able to pitch our tents which were a source of merriment to all the other campers because of their funny shapes (they had shrunk in the middle during winter storage). They were camping holidays which will be remembered forever.We used to take camping holidays from when we were first married right up until the time when the kids flew the nest and did their own thing. We went here in the UK, France of course, Italy and northern Spain, Netherlands and Germany, but hand on heart, the best times were in France and during the later years we found that taking our own camping gear, though by far cheapest type of holidays, became quite pointless when compared to the holidays on offer by some of the larger camping companies whose tents offered so much more comfort and facilities than we could possibly compete with, and they weren't too expensive either, though I have mentioned on other pages that there is one large camping company offering holidays for roughly the same price as staying in a mobile home. It's well worth checking round all th e prices before you book.Tents offered for camping holidays nowadays have virtually everything in them apart from a toilet and shower which are usually situated in a block not far away from the pitches. They come with beds and cookers and a fridge freezer but you need to check with individual companies to see what they offer in terms of bedding - like do you take your own or hire it on site?Camping holidays have always suited us down to the ground in the past and especially when we had a young family, and if you are prepared to go South to find the sun - we go to the Vendee in France - then you will find it to be by far the cheapest and possibly the best holiday of your life, and after all, if you don't like camping for one reason or another you can always go to the Caribbean next year

Born May 1947, I am now semi retired and spend my time writing pages for my two travel sites, when I'm not gardening that is. Even though our kids have grown up and flown the nest wqe still take camping holidays together - in mobile homes though, not tents.

Motorhome Hire UK

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