Saturday 30 June 2012

Thoughts About The Liveaboard Lifestyle

Why are people drawn to the water?

Maybe it has something to do with our naval heritage from years gone by or a way for us to co-exist with nature on a more personal level. I guess we will never be able to answer this question because it is so many different things to so many different people, each with their own interpretation of why they are drawn to the water.

Their is a small but growing group of people that are so drawn to the water that they choose to live on the water in many different types of vessels. We know these people as 'Liveaboards' and they can be found not only in the UK but all over the world anywhere there is water.

If you are reading this you will be one of two types of people, either you currently liveaboard your boat or you are contemplating buying a boat and living aboard it. If you are a liveaboard then we hope you enjoy reading this insight and maybe it will make you think back to the time you decided to make this lifestyle change.

If you are thinking about a lifestyle change and becoming a liveaboard then we hope this will go some way to helping you make your decision.

So why do people live on boats? I know for me, and probably for many others, it was a total lifestyle change. An escape from the daily grind and never ending bureaucracy of everyday living. Having more freedom to choose was one thing I really enjoyed; being able to move my location with ease and take my home with me was something I knew I would enjoy.

Other liveaboards will have different reasons that are personal to them and work for them. The important thing to remember here is that it works for them and their reasons to liveaboard outweigh the reasons not to.

Let us take a look at some of the possible reasons people liveaboard.

In today's economic climate getting on the property ladder can be very difficult. With house prices rising out of the reach of ordinary people, many are looking at alternative lifestyles and places to live. Living on a boat is now becoming a rational alternative.

Generally a boat will cost less than a house but this is not always the case. With some top class houseboats on moorings in London costing over 400,000 and new large yachts and motor cruisers can also cost the same.

When you look at advertisements for boats you will start to see that you do not need to spend this much to find a comfortable boat to live on. The good thing about the liveaboard life is that there is something for everyone at every conceivable budget.

The hum drum of everyday life can take its toll so some people turn to the liveaboard lifestyle to simplify there life's and enjoy a little more freedom. Some have sold their homes, cleared out all the belongings they do not need and started afresh.

Many liveaboards have made the transition because it was a natural progression from already owning a boat and being a keen boater or sailor. For many people their love of the water and their passion for boats is too much and they decide to go full time.

This is not always the case so do not think you are excluded if you know nothing about boats. Many people have become successful and knowledgeable liveaboards that started with only a desire to live on a boat but no experience of boats at all. It's all about your desire and the courage to take positive action to achieve your goals. Anyone can do it if they really want to.

At some point in our lives we all go through some kind of financial hardships and this can be the point that prompts some to look at a liveaboard life as a way of relieving some of the financial pressures. As I have said before, living on a boat is generally cheaper than living on land so can appeal too many people looking to reduce their financial out goings.

Some people that choose to liveaboard just want to simplify their lives. With less bureaucracy and red tape comes some peace of mind and a more relaxed lifestyle. Without the need for many material possessions (you have nowhere to put them anyway!) many appreciate the few things they do have a lot more and make better use of them.

Maybe we all like to go back to basics at some point and that is why as a country we enjoy camping and caravanning so much?

In my opinion a liveaboard life can really help you appreciate the simple things in life. When you can appreciate those little things I believe you enrich your life as a consequence. It really is surprising how much you appreciate the ordinary things when you do not have them. As an example, how many of us think nothing of leaving the tap running when we brush our teeth or wash the dishes? Probably many of us. After all, water is always there when we turn on the tap and it never runs out.

This simple task is very different to a liveaboard as there are consequences for your actions.

Your boat will only hold so much water in the tank and if you do not have easy access to facilities to fill your water tank you could run out completely. If you do have access to water you will be filling up your water tank many more times. When you have to fill up the water tank in the cold winter you soon learn how important it is to use it wisely. This is what I mean about appreciating the simple things in life.

If you speak to people that liveaboard boats they will all have their own personal reasons for choosing their lifestyle and this is what makes them so diverse and interesting.

I hope these thoughts help you to understand a little more about the liveaboard lifestyle and you have enjoyed reading this article.

3 Berth Motorhome Hire

Useful Tips To Survive An Avalanche

A little forethought and organization will payoff in a great memorable adventure for that next outdoors excursion you may have planned.

Gas lanterns give off bright light but are noisy and will be the most expensive of all lanterns to operate. You will have to pack extra propane bottles Then you have the glorious Sunset and after that why not get together with your neighboring campers for a story telling session and singsong round the campfire. If you thought a Camping Vacation would be 'roughing it' and 'hard work' then think again, yes it will take some planning but that's half the fun and it won't be that much work.

Lets see first you will need some type of shelter a plastic trap 8 by 10 will make a good tent some rope 50 ft will be lots the inch nylon rope will work. Tie the rope between two trees and place the tarp over the rope. Stake down each side of the tarp with screw driver numbers need 6 to 8 I buy them at flea markets and garage sales.

Theres no avoiding the weather when camping. The United States has the most extreme weather conditions in the world, second only to China, says Susan Weaver, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Weather Service. Weather can change quickly and is very specific to each area.

Check with the state fishing regulations for exact dates and detailed fishing information, including proper license requirements. Some fishing opportunities will require overnight backcountry use permits. It is always important to respect the park you are fishing in, in order to maintain the quality waters that protect the natural fish populations and food sources for bald eagles, ospreys and otters among others.

A large van called an RV in employed by many campers, or more commonly in the UK a caravan is attached to a car. Both of these serve as basic mobile homes, with beds, gas and sometimes electricity. A definite upcoming trend is more and more people seeking untouched locales and wilderness.

Are your kids begging you to take them camping, but you just cant find the time to take them on a camping trip? Or would you like to introduce your kids to the fun of camping for the first time, but arent sure if they will enjoy it, or might get scared? Either way, camping out in your backyard will be a fun way to spend the evening and night with your kids.

Useful Tips to Survive an Avalanche

You may be an adventurer or mountain climber wanting to conquer some of the highest peaks in the world, including Mt. Everest. You may simply be skiing in the Alps or somewhere in Colorado. If so, then youve encountered snow and know what its capable of.

In saying capable of, it can be used for fun or can be a source of danger. Accidents can always happen in the snow, where the white color and cool temperature makes it more dangerous. Avalanches are often a possibility, and should that happen, you have to know some survival tips because you have to act quickly and decisively.

An avalanche is something that you cannot really prepare for, since you dont know when it will strike. But knowing these survival tips when it occurs and when trapped under an avalanche is a matter of life or death. Here are some of the tips: Close your mouth. Closing your mouth during an avalanche when you are caught in the flow of the snow will prevent the snow from entering your mouth and will not hamper your breathing as much. Hold your breath for as long as possible until the snow sliding stops.

The point is to treat your family to an unforgettable outdoor adventure, so it doesn't matter how you plan to camp or where you intend to go. There are many websites that cater to campers with information on where to find the most affordable camp gear as well as the most popular items to buy and use when camping.

Given below are the kind of clothes you should get from the stores in order to keep you comfortable during your trip and the technologies following these clothes.

Both sports demand having the proper equipment and knowledge for safety reasons. Many National Parks offer established climbing routes that will have a wide range of difficulty levels; usually no permits are needed, unless an overnight stay in backcountry is involved. It is important to check weather conditions beforehand and use caution, never climb alone.

If you are going to use candles you will have to be very careful that you do not start a fire. Rememer that the hot wax of the candle can burn you if you get it on your skin. The thought of camping alone can be very intimidating, especially if youre a woman. Ideally, it is not something recommended to women new to camping. Some of the functions of these websites include being able to search by state, campground, lake, or forest name. You can access maps of each campground to see the layout of the grounds and how close each site is to shower, bathrooms, playgrounds, beaches, etc... This feature is great because you may choose which site you would like to reserves and check for availability.

Other things to bring candles will work if you do not have a flash light but be very careful as a candle can start you tent bedding on fire and will cause a forest fire so never leave a candle un attended.

Camping mixed with outdoor activity is a great way to get ourselves involved with nature. National Parks can provide an excellent backdrop for some of your outdoor activities.

Swim through the snow. Like in a swimming pool, you can swim through the snow even if its more difficult than in water. This constant movement may help you prevent from being trapped underneath a large pile of snow where that is nearly impossible to get out of. Drop the stuff. Lets say you are skiing when the avalanche occurs, or are carrying something heavy. This added weight will drag you further down into piles of snow, which you dont want to happen. If it does happen, it will be harder to get out since youre under a greater amount of snow to start with, and you also have to lift yourself along with the added weight to get out. Make air pockets. This is extremely useful when trapped under the snow, since it will allow you to take in some air while you are trying to make your way out. You just simply cup both hands around the nose and mouth and breathe normally. This cup will prevent you from taking in snow as you breathe. Be innovative. If it seems impossible for you t o get out, think clearly. Merely thrusting an arm to the surface can be a factor. A man once urinated his way out of the avalanche, with his urine melting the snow. If he thought of that, you can think of something too.

Finally, if youve survived the ordeal, be sure to report to the proper authorities. Others might be trapped as you were. Youre their hope for survival. Don't forget sunscreen, bug spray and hygiene items. Toilet paper and paper towels are absolute necessities. Bring along some soap and toothpaste, but leave the hair gel and makeup at home. Mother Nature doesn't care what you look like. She just wants you to enjoy your stay.

Camping is a great way to enjoy amazing outdoors and be close to nature. It is not just another holiday; it's a way of life. While camping out, one is surrounded by nature and serenity.

It is a good idea to know what you should and should not do when coming across animals. Parks often will have signs up if animals have been sighted in the campground.

Looking Good--Last but certainly not least: If you've never set up your tent before, it's best to practice at home until you can do it in your sleep (bit of an exaggeration...but you know what I mean). This will save you any embarrassment later on in the 'Real World'.

Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. Youre number one priority when youre camping should be to have a good time and enjoy nature something that is difficult to do when youre sick and exhausted. Be sure to take camping food with you that will keep you well fed and your energy level up. Energy bars and gels dont usually weigh a lot and pack a serious nutrition punch, making them great for the trail. If you dont cook a lot at home and dont plan to while youre camping, do yourself a favor and eat more than candy bars and licorice. Just about anyone can boil water, so just about anyone can take some prepared camping foods on their trip and eat well. More on Wilderness Survival Tips. When you know where you will be going you have to select the type of shelter you will need. Are you sleeping in the open or using a tent? What type of tent you select will have a direct impact on how comfortable and dry you will be if it rains. You may need to get a tent with windows and ventilation a nd waterproofing.

As I rounded a bend blasted through granite, just wide enough to accommodate a horse-drawn wagon, I braked suddenly and gasped.

Then we had enough space for dressing or cooking. The bench-seat in back folds out into a comfortable bed, so we were all set for camping.

Instead of going up to other campers and saying, Hi, Im Kerry and Im here by myself ask questions like How can I contact you if I experience a problem or is this campground regularly patrolled?Dont advertise you are by yourself by finding campsites away from walking trails

3 Berth Motorhome Hire

Friday 29 June 2012

Touring The World

You will find that there are hundreds of sites around the world that you will want to think about going when it comes to taking a meaningful vacation. You will find that there are a lot of camping sites that desert areas, evergreen areas, water areas, swamp areas, and you will want to consider a few things when it comes to finding a campsite that will suit you. You will want to make sure that you think about the safety for your family and the dangers that lurk in the woods. You will want to think about going to places like Arizona, Nevada, New Hampshire, and even Idaho for your camping trip.

For those who have seen a lot of America, you will want to try to expand your horizons and think about campsites that are out of the country, such as Canada. You will find that there are many desert and swampland areas that will provide you a good, educational trip, but there are plenty of areas that you can find that are just mountain area. You will be able to find plenty of fun when it comes to the Rocky Mountains or even in the Appalachian mountains. Then there is Alaska and Canada that have a lot of frozen areas that you could explore, but you will need to think about the beauty of Canada and all the beautiful sites you will be able to see in Vermont or Maine.

As for touring the world, you will find that Wurttenberg is one of the most commonly found camping areas in the world. There are a lot of things that you will want to explore in German and you will find that Germany and Switzerland get a lot of camping reservations, however, keep in mind that communicating with a cell phone is a big challenge. You will want to think about Greece as an international camping site as well. You will find that there are a lot of friendships that you can start in Greece, however, you will also find that Portugal has plenty of sunny beaches and campsites that you will be able to have plenty of fun.

If you would like to travel to countries that are more like America, you will find that the UK is a great place to start your research. Wales and is a great camping spot.

Motorhome Rentals UK

Retail Store for Army Surplus Products

The online army surplus shops provide us with complete information about a wide range of Army Surplus products, like Army Surplus clothing, various Camping Equipments and other Army Surplus and also the Military Surplus goods. It even gives detailed information about various accessories that includes Army Surplus Trousers, Jackets, Headwear and Footwear including Badges and Lanyards. They also have products of some the largest brand names such as Gelert and Camelbak, which sell Army Surplus goods. More or less any item that is related to army, military requirements can be found by referring to these sites but in case in case any item is not missing, the customer can order online. It will definitely source the desired products. This is one of the most popular sites for military products in UK.

This site basically helps in the retail of the products launched by Army Surplus shops. It enables the customers to view the prices and pictures of the products or items offered by Army Surplus competitors. In other words, this site is like a retail store of UK and is easily navigable. Like under the category clothing there are three hundred and eleven types of clothes found in this retail store. These sites promote and retail different types of products. Like it is the same military clothing but is presented with a difference, which attracts people. In the clothing section we come across thirty-three kinds of trendy jackets, several trousers and Shirts/T-Shirts. You shall find some excellent vests thermal/base and eighteen Layer Fleeces. And also a category known as the forces united clothing, this is a typical military dress but very attractive and stylish. Each and every type of clothing is very carefully made and it is ensured that it should fulfill the requirements o f the user.

All items of the army surplus shop, UK will definitely have a grade quality assigned on them. This enables the user to know whether the products are true surplus items or some kind of brand new items. Grade 1 items may be vary from average to high quality and is useful for everyday wear. But they are cheaper than super grade items and again much cheaper compared to the new items. Super Grade items are of a considerably high standard and may have been issued but they are not used. Again they are cheaper than new items.

Safety and Security is the main purpose of the military, so army surplus shop has another type of clothing known as the

Motor Home Hire UK

Thursday 28 June 2012

Destination for Military Surplus Goods

Military surplus as the name indicates is related to military goods. There are online shops that give the viewers loads of information about military surplus shop and Camping Equipment shop. Military or army surplus shops actually supply a wide variety of Army Surplus clothing, Camping Equipment and other Military Surplus and Army Surplus gear. These sites help in retail of military or army surplus products, like different kinds of accessories from Army Surplus Trousers, Jackets, Headwear and Footwear. There are even items like Badges and Lanyards.

Each item is manufactured and designed with utmost care and perfection. As the products, which they retail are chiefly concerned with the military and the armed forces, the primary aim is to keep in mind the safety and security factor. However, the products are different from the same old military items, like the clothes are a little more stylish, the footwear and headwear or masks or helmets are quite trendy. Even some famous brand names such as Gelert and Camelbak are associated with the army or military surplus shops amongst various other Military Surplus suppliers

The company requests the viewers or customers to browse online the military and Army Surplus shops and never hesitate to contact them in case of any help or assistance while purchasing. These retail sites have made shopping extremely easy, the viewers just have to click on the desired items and one gets to see the pictures of product. Detailed information about every product is provided along with it.

All items of the army surplus shop, UKwhich deals in military products will definitely have a grade quality assigned on them so that the customers can easily judge whether they are original surplus items or just brand new items. The quality of the items with a grade 1 on them may vary average to high and are useful for everyday wear. These products are known to be cheaper than super grade and cheaper than the new items. The Super Grade items of this UK Store are definitely of a bit high standard that meets all purposes. The items do not have any kind of mark on its exterior. These will be a bit cheaper than the new items. The items, which are not issued or are completely fresh items, are brand new with no marks on them.

If the customer is dissatisfied with the service of the military product, the company tries to solve the problems within two working days from the date of the complaint or as soon as possible. These retail sites have made purchasing products quite easy. Just one has to browse the online shop and click the "order" button after selecting the items that one desires to purchase. The item will automatically be added to the customer's basket. When the customer of the retail shop has finished placing all the orders, the next step is to just click on the "Checkout" button and then he will then be supplied with the further necessary information that are required by the company to satisfy the customer's order. The customers of these retail stores can always cancel their order any time, by simply putting the selected items into the "basket". The UK shop ensures that it is never a commitment to buy any product.

3 Berth Motorhome Hire

Pet Friendly Motorhome Hire

Pet Friendly Motorhome Hire

We often get asked if we do pet friendly motorhome hire and the answer is in most cases yes. There are a few pet free motorhomes that tend to be the newer ones, but in most cases if you want to take your dog with you it is OK, but do tell us first just to make sure. Call Motorholme on 0800 612 8719 anytime to discuss your requirements.

Anyway whilst writing this, I do wonder why most people Google pet friendly motorhome hire when really they mean dog friendly motorhome hire. Ive definitely never heard of anyone wishing to take their cat or fish on a motorhome holiday, maybe some people sneak their pet snake or tarantula with them without telling us?

So will you be taking your dog to the pub on your holiday? Times are changing. You might have noticed that in the UK some pubs welcome children but exclude dogs, often these tend to be pubs doing food and stuff like that. Some pubs only allow dogs at outside tables, which is OK, but some of those wont serve food outside which is not OK.

The commonest excuses about not allowing dogs are its the regulations, or Brussels, or they bark at the bar stools. We know this is all it is an excuse, as it is not actually illegal at all, except in the food preparation area.

Anyway we hope you have a great holiday with your dog, cat, fish, snake or spider Motorholme have the largest network of motorhomes for hire in the UK, so Id like to stick my neck out and say that they also have the largest network for pet friendly motorhome hire too.

Motor Home Hire UK

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Pet Friendly Motorhome Hire

Pet Friendly Motorhome Hire

We often get asked if we do pet friendly motorhome hire and the answer is in most cases yes. There are a few pet free motorhomes that tend to be the newer ones, but in most cases if you want to take your dog with you it is OK, but do tell us first just to make sure. Call Motorholme on 0800 612 8719 anytime to discuss your requirements.

Anyway whilst writing this, I do wonder why most people Google pet friendly motorhome hire when really they mean dog friendly motorhome hire. Ive definitely never heard of anyone wishing to take their cat or fish on a motorhome holiday, maybe some people sneak their pet snake or tarantula with them without telling us?

So will you be taking your dog to the pub on your holiday? Times are changing. You might have noticed that in the UK some pubs welcome children but exclude dogs, often these tend to be pubs doing food and stuff like that. Some pubs only allow dogs at outside tables, which is OK, but some of those wont serve food outside which is not OK.

The commonest excuses about not allowing dogs are its the regulations, or Brussels, or they bark at the bar stools. We know this is all it is an excuse, as it is not actually illegal at all, except in the food preparation area.

Anyway we hope you have a great holiday with your dog, cat, fish, snake or spider Motorholme have the largest network of motorhomes for hire in the UK, so Id like to stick my neck out and say that they also have the largest network for pet friendly motorhome hire too.

3 Berth Motorhome Hire

Traveling Western Australia Made Easy With Motorhome Hire Perth - Travel - Car Rentals

Taking a family or group on a Western Australian holiday? Want to travel in affordable comfort? It's time to take a closer look at Motorhome hire in Perth. Perth based rental companies offer a full selection of large, spacious motorhomes for hire. Motorhomes are the perfect option for traveling as a group and sharing holiday costs with friends. This article contains a few simple tips for choosing your rental vehicle.

A good motorhome hire Perth company will provide you with linen, pillows and sleeping bags at no extra cost. In addition, you should expect cutlery and crockery to be included.

You'll also want to be sure you get the right sleeping arrangements for your group or family. Many motorhomes are fitted with double beds and fold out beds. If you're arranging motorhome hire over the phone, always ask for a detailed description of your before confirming hire dates.

For a detailed description of your motorhome for hire, ask about the following features:

Vehicle Specifications - engine type, fuel capacity and transmission type.

Supplied power equipment

Passenger capacity

Sleeping configuration (And size of beds if you have tall passengers!)

Kitchen layout (and list of provided cooking essentials)

Modern Conveniences aka "mod cons" such as microwave, toilet and shower.

Entertainment devices such as DVD players and radios.

Water Tank


Supplied Table and Chairs

In general, safety equipment and insurance should be made available to you. For example a fire extinguisher and breakdown insurance for roadside assistance. You might need to supply your own first aid kit if it is not included.

One final tip, remember to factor the cost of fuel into your holiday budget. Naturally, heavy use of air conditioning will increase fuel consumption and, therefore, overall cost of fuel.

Motor Home Hire UK

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Visit the Wonders of Scotland through Highland Rentals - Autos

Looking for a good getaway this summer? Thinking about doing something unique this coming vacation? Then let Highland Motorhome Rentals give you what you need. This season, the usual destinations are the beaches and the ski resorts; practically any place that can help people cool down and beat the heat. Sure, it may seem that the last thing you want to do is to go to a place known more for exotic foods and weird accents. But you may be losing on a lot when you choose to not go for a motorhome hire Scotland from Highland Rentals.

Scotland is a country like no other. It is rich in tradition and that makes it perfect as a place to spend the summer. Along with all the beautiful beaches that surround this country, you get to enjoy some of the wonders that have made this place so wonderful for so many people. From old castles to breathtaking monuments, even to the bars and the beers, Scotland has enough to provide that it is not what people conceive it to be. And what better way to enjoy all these wonders than to go on your own throughout the country's rich landscapes. With a motorhome hire Scotland from Highland, you get to visit all the places in Scotland without ever feeling as though you are away from home. And just imagine how much you can save on hotel accommodations when all that you need to reside in drives along with you. It's the perfect set-up!

Through their motorhome hire Scotland, Highland Rentals offer the benefits of choosing the kind of mobile home you want. And for each hire, you also get complimentary necessities like TV, kitchenware, sleeping bags, pillows, blankets and many more! They even provide you with an insurance so you don't have to worry about anything that can possibly happen to the rented mobile home you are in. Truly, there is no better way to enjoy Scotland, and even beyond with Highland Rentals.

Motor Home Hire UK

motorhome hire - Autos - Cars

Motor homes are admirable things - accumulation the abandon of the accessible alley with the abundance and accessibility of a able-bodied appointed auberge room. When one has admission to a acceptable one, one is finer able to booty one's auberge with one wherever one goes. That agency adventure, analysis and abundance all formed into one accessible package. Motorhome hire allows holidaymakers all that abandon and all that appearance after any of the bad actuality that can appear with absolutely owning a home in motors - no abrupt surprises as the roof springs a aperture or assault off in the night; no holidays broke by declining kit or dodgy mechanics. The homes busy by companies like Amber Motor Homes are all consistently checked, serviced and maintained - and, for the best part, will be appealing abundant cast new. That agency the accessible alley can be advised in accurate style, after anyone accepting to anguish about the action of the adaptable home one is using.

Motorhome hire works in absolutely the aforementioned way as any added anatomy of agent rental. The amount includes all the all-important insurance, with an balance bent by the appoint company. All hirers charge to do is accommodate the actual documentation, passports and active licenses - and abroad they go. Companies like Amber Motor Homes banal a advanced ambit of rental motor homes, acceptable for any aggregate of bodies and cruise purpose - from all brilliant ancestors vans, able of alteration and sleeping a ancestors of bristles in appearance and comfort; to chill little two actuality run-arounds, absolute for a adventurous breach in the hills.

Motorhome hire lets bodies biking in the appearance and with the abandon that there acclimated to be on British roads, and on British holidays. The joys of a hiring such motor houses are multiple. There's that outdoors aspect - a motor home is a actual luxurious, actual abiding and actual dry affair but it still gives its occupants a absolute aftertaste of alfresco living. And there's the affluence of movement, too - no tents to backpack up, annihilation to abstract or block up. Just about-face the keys in the agitation and get back on the road, destination unknown. That, of course, makes Motorhome hire absolute for the British vacation, which is consistently an ambiguous job - if the acclimate or the ambience aren't accomplishing the ambush in one allotment of the country, one can consistently blaze up the motor abode and arch about else.

Need advice award an acceptable Motorhome hire? Here are some tips for award the best one to clothing your every need.

Learn what you want: If you've never advised renting a motorhome before, analysis them out online and analyze the similarities and differences. It's important to apperceive what you demand afore you hire it for your trip. You don't demand to accomplish the aberration of hasty into this rental and again acquisition it didn't live up to your expectations.

Consider the size: As with a lot of things, Motorhomes can ambit in size, accordingly it's important you acquisition one that meets your criteria. Accomplish abiding it's big abundant so that you accept allowance and so that you can abundance your absolute luggage. Just accomplish abiding it's not too big so that added gas isn't actuality guzzled for no reason. These acutely use added gas than best cartage on the road.

Technology/features: Like anything, the technology on assertive things can be upgraded or it can be old-fashioned. Figure out which appearances are best important in accepting for your trip.

Quality: Figure out what affectionate of affection motorhome you'd like. If you'd like to save money you can apparently go with article added basal and not too high-tech. Now, if you demand article that is comfortable and has a nice autogenously and exterior, it's acutely activity to amount you more. Figure out what's best important to you, whether that be extenuative money or accepting a adorned agent for your trip. Motorhomes can ambit from all sorts of styles and luxuries.

As you can see, there are some abundant means you can acquisition the best Motorhome hire. Accept fun on your trip, have a good time accepting added allowance and best importantly, be blessed with the abstraction of because a motorhome. These can accomplish a big aberration in the acquaintance of your cruise so be abiding to analysis one out and see how you like it!

Dunya Carter is a business specialist from Australia who loves traveling. She is currently alive as a business adviser for Analysis Campervans Australia, a website on which you can analyze Motorhome hire prices throughout Australia. She is additionally autograph biking guides and journals for several acclaimed biking websites and blogs.

Motorhome Rentals UK

Monday 25 June 2012

Insuring your American RV Motorhome - Insurance - RV Motorcycle

If you've just bought your first American RV, or are looking to purchase one this holiday season, it's important you find the right insurance policy for your vehicle. There are thousands of insurance products out there, but how do you know which one is suitable for your American motorhome?

Buying an American RV is a huge investment, one which takes careful consideration to ensure you get the motorhome to suit your needs in terms of size, accommodation and extra features. Once you've made that decision, and found your ideal RV, you'll want to protect it with a specialist motorhome insurance policy.

One point worthy of note is that some specialist motorhome insurance policies will only cover UK and European motorhomes so it's worth searching online for companies that specifically say they can cover American RVs.

When looking for insurance, be sure to find a policy that covers the full value of the vehicle and any equipment you intend to take along with you. A standard motor insurance policy is unlikely to cover all your essential motorhoming equipment such as awnings, water and waste carriers, pots and pans and generators, so ensure the cover you choose does. Very often specialist RV motorhome insurance policies will cover several thousand pounds worth of such items automatically.

As a high value motorhome, you may be required to fit extra security to find insurance cover. A tracking device fitted to your American RV will not only provide peace of mind that your motorhome will be recovered if it is stolen, but it could also mean a substantial discount off your insurance premium. Before investing in a tracking device, ask your insurance company what their requirements are and which devices they will accept as there are many products on the market.

One of the benefits of buying an American motorhome is the amount of accommodation space you get compared to some European motorhomes. It is therefore more comfortable for longer trips with more storage space too. If you fancy heading out in your motorhome for several weeks or even months, you'll have plenty of time to explore outside of the UK, taking in some of the countries across the channel. If you do plan to travel through mainland Europe, look for an insurance company that will cover you wherever you are planning to visit or travel through, and for the length of your planned trip.

Another consideration if you are travelling to Europe is whether your tracking device will still cover you. Make sure the device you choose is capable of tracking your American RV in every country you are likely to visit.

Whether you plan to holiday in the UK only, or venture farther afield to Europe, you should certainly consider taking out breakdown cover with your insurance policy. This may be included in the price of your premium or it may be something you can add. Either way, be sure to ask whether the policy is suitable for American RVs. You may find that the breakdown company will only recover vehicles up to a certain length or weight and your American motorhome is too big. Look for a policy that offers breakdown cover with no length or weight restrictions - don't wait until you breakdown to find out.

Finally something you may find interesting is that some American RV insurance policies offer cover on a 'replacement with new' basis. This means if your RV is stolen and not recovered or written off, you will get a brand new replacement RV motorhome. This can apply for motorhomes up to two years old and can be a great benefit for those owners unfortunate enough to lose their motorhome.

With all the above considerations in mind, you're now ready to find the most suitable American RV insurance policy for you and your motorhome and protect it should the worst happen.

Motor Home Hire UK

Give Your Motorhome the Protection It Needs by Getting Motorhome Insurance Austin - Insurance - RV Motorcycle

A motorhome can be a fantastic possession. This vehicle will certainly give you hours of road excitement and thrills at the same time provide you with the ultimate convenience of having everything you need in a home right within your reach. You can spend hours driving it on the open road and simply find a nice parking spot and be off sleeping and relaxing within it during the night.

But while it can be thrilling to have this great combo of home and vehicle in one, owning a motorhome can mean a big financial obligation. Being a coveted property, you need to give it the protection that it needs. And the best way you can offer one is to obtain a motorhome insurance Austin.

When getting a motorhome insurance Austin, there are plenty of things that you need to consider. In purchasing its insurance, it is always not advisable to get the cheapest rates. Lots of motorhome insurance companies will surely be vying to have business with you. While some of their cheap offerings can be quite tempting, never be lured so easily for you may just end up getting a deal that doesn't offer you the best protection and coverage. It is always best to review what policies are present in your insurance that will help you greatly especially during times of accidents.

It is also necessary that you determine who else will use your motorhome. This property is essentially a vehicle and you need to be able to list down all other potential drivers for your unit. If it is only you who get to drive your motorhome, then your premiums for your insurance will not be that high. However, if you have your spouse or other family members drive your motorhome,then you can expect to pay a higher premium.

Aside from getting liability, collision and comprehensive insurance for your motorhome in cases of road accidents, remember that your vehicle is also a home by itself. You need to consider getting homeowner's coverage for all the personal effects that you have placed inside and over your unit. Thefts and vandalisms are always a possibility so having insurance will adequately cover the loss of all your items.

Motorhomes can also break down and need repairs done in a car shop. If you consider your motorhome your only residence, then getting insurance that will provide you a temporary shelter or vehicle can be rather helpful. You can stay in a hotel for the duration your motorhome is being repaired and all the expenses you rack up will be adequately covered.

Lastly, make sure that the motorhome insurance Austin that you get has a policy regarding roadside recovery. You can have towing assistance whenever you experience breakdown while you are traveling.

Motorhome Hire UK

Sunday 24 June 2012

Give Your Motorhome the Protection It Needs by Getting Motorhome Insurance Austin - Insurance - RV Motorcycle

A motorhome can be a fantastic possession. This vehicle will certainly give you hours of road excitement and thrills at the same time provide you with the ultimate convenience of having everything you need in a home right within your reach. You can spend hours driving it on the open road and simply find a nice parking spot and be off sleeping and relaxing within it during the night.

But while it can be thrilling to have this great combo of home and vehicle in one, owning a motorhome can mean a big financial obligation. Being a coveted property, you need to give it the protection that it needs. And the best way you can offer one is to obtain a motorhome insurance Austin.

When getting a motorhome insurance Austin, there are plenty of things that you need to consider. In purchasing its insurance, it is always not advisable to get the cheapest rates. Lots of motorhome insurance companies will surely be vying to have business with you. While some of their cheap offerings can be quite tempting, never be lured so easily for you may just end up getting a deal that doesn't offer you the best protection and coverage. It is always best to review what policies are present in your insurance that will help you greatly especially during times of accidents.

It is also necessary that you determine who else will use your motorhome. This property is essentially a vehicle and you need to be able to list down all other potential drivers for your unit. If it is only you who get to drive your motorhome, then your premiums for your insurance will not be that high. However, if you have your spouse or other family members drive your motorhome,then you can expect to pay a higher premium.

Aside from getting liability, collision and comprehensive insurance for your motorhome in cases of road accidents, remember that your vehicle is also a home by itself. You need to consider getting homeowner's coverage for all the personal effects that you have placed inside and over your unit. Thefts and vandalisms are always a possibility so having insurance will adequately cover the loss of all your items.

Motorhomes can also break down and need repairs done in a car shop. If you consider your motorhome your only residence, then getting insurance that will provide you a temporary shelter or vehicle can be rather helpful. You can stay in a hotel for the duration your motorhome is being repaired and all the expenses you rack up will be adequately covered.

Lastly, make sure that the motorhome insurance Austin that you get has a policy regarding roadside recovery. You can have towing assistance whenever you experience breakdown while you are traveling.

Motorhome Rentals UK

Camper and Motorhome rental in Dublin this winter from Bunk Campers. - Travel - Budget Travel

Camper and Motorhome rental in Dublin this winter from Bunk Campers.Camper Dublin, Motorhome Dublin

Looking for Motorhome and Camper hire in Dublin this winter? Choose camper and motorhome hire from bunk campers.

Christmas is in the air in Dublin, and what better way to experience all Dublin has to offer than motorhome and camper hire from Bunk Campers?

Make the most of the winter festivals in Dublin by hire of a camper or motorhome at our great value low season rates, and take advantage of our free winter warmer pack which will keep customers cosy and warm in their Bunk camper or motorhome throughout this winter festival season. In addition, all Bunk Campers and motorhomes in Dublin come equipped with gas or diesel heating to keep the van warm throughout the night.

Bunk Campers is Ireland's largest camper and motorhome hire company with depots in both Dublin and Belfast. Bunk Campers' campers are compact, economical and easy to drive, while the 'grande' motorhome is truly a luxury during the cold winter nights in Dublin. With great value low season camper and motorhome hire rates and a minimum of 4 days hire, customers could be on the road in Dublin from around 25 per person per day including tax, insurance for UK & Irish licence holders, unlimited mileage and kitchen kit.

Theres lots to see and do with a camper in Dublin in this jolly festival season... The ever popular Merry Medieval Christmas kicks off from Nov 23rd until Christmas with all the medieval Christmas traditions as part of a guided tour of Dalkey Castle and two Children go free with two paying Adults.

Like to shop? You are going to love Dublin. No matter where you go, you will never be far from temptation. Dublin has always been a fashionable city and this is reflected in the wide choice and variety on offer to the visitor.You could take a camper or motorhome to the Dublin Docklands Christmas Market. The stalls are heavily decorated to create the illusion of a winter wonderland. Many stalls offer decorations as well as Christmas stocking fillers such as craft jewellery and art. Visitors also get the chance to taste traditional German specialities such as roasted nuts, raisins and bratwurst (German sausage) from The Swing Grill.In the evening time the market is light up with hundreds of Christmas lights and the crowds are entertained by storytellers, carol singers and bands.What better way to experience the spectacle than from the comfort of a Bunk camper or motorhome?

Book early to avoid disappointment in 2012! Call + 44 (0) 2890 755746 or email today to join the fun in Northern Ireland.Motor home and Campervan hire in Northern Ireland this winter from Bunk Campers.

3 Berth Motorhome Hire

Saturday 23 June 2012

Camper and Motorhome rental in Dublin this winter from Bunk Campers. - Travel - Budget Travel

Camper and Motorhome rental in Dublin this winter from Bunk Campers.Camper Dublin, Motorhome Dublin

Looking for Motorhome and Camper hire in Dublin this winter? Choose camper and motorhome hire from bunk campers.

Christmas is in the air in Dublin, and what better way to experience all Dublin has to offer than motorhome and camper hire from Bunk Campers?

Make the most of the winter festivals in Dublin by hire of a camper or motorhome at our great value low season rates, and take advantage of our free winter warmer pack which will keep customers cosy and warm in their Bunk camper or motorhome throughout this winter festival season. In addition, all Bunk Campers and motorhomes in Dublin come equipped with gas or diesel heating to keep the van warm throughout the night.

Bunk Campers is Ireland's largest camper and motorhome hire company with depots in both Dublin and Belfast. Bunk Campers' campers are compact, economical and easy to drive, while the 'grande' motorhome is truly a luxury during the cold winter nights in Dublin. With great value low season camper and motorhome hire rates and a minimum of 4 days hire, customers could be on the road in Dublin from around 25 per person per day including tax, insurance for UK & Irish licence holders, unlimited mileage and kitchen kit.

Theres lots to see and do with a camper in Dublin in this jolly festival season... The ever popular Merry Medieval Christmas kicks off from Nov 23rd until Christmas with all the medieval Christmas traditions as part of a guided tour of Dalkey Castle and two Children go free with two paying Adults.

Like to shop? You are going to love Dublin. No matter where you go, you will never be far from temptation. Dublin has always been a fashionable city and this is reflected in the wide choice and variety on offer to the visitor.You could take a camper or motorhome to the Dublin Docklands Christmas Market. The stalls are heavily decorated to create the illusion of a winter wonderland. Many stalls offer decorations as well as Christmas stocking fillers such as craft jewellery and art. Visitors also get the chance to taste traditional German specialities such as roasted nuts, raisins and bratwurst (German sausage) from The Swing Grill.In the evening time the market is light up with hundreds of Christmas lights and the crowds are entertained by storytellers, carol singers and bands.What better way to experience the spectacle than from the comfort of a Bunk camper or motorhome?

Book early to avoid disappointment in 2012! Call + 44 (0) 2890 755746 or email today to join the fun in Northern Ireland.Motor home and Campervan hire in Northern Ireland this winter from Bunk Campers.

Motor Home Hire UK

Motorhome: A Home Away from Your Home - Travel - Car Rentals

In recent years, Motorhome hire business has marked a tremendous growth. Reason being the enormous benefits a motorhome provides. Motorhome Hire provides an adventurous and exciting experience that cannot be matched anywhere. The greatest benefit of Motorhome is that it makes you feel like you are at your home where you can cook, sleep and relax and you can carry your entire wardrobe and kitchen, with your family under same roof. With motorhome, you have the opportunity to enjoy holiday at your own way. One needs not to think about the bus or train to the next location.

Today's Motorhome are embedded with all the luxuries amenities you need while travelling. Generally a Motorhome contains a bathroom, table, small kitchen with a gas or electric refrigerator, a living room, storage area, television, music system, air conditioning etc. Facilities for recreational vehicles or a motorhome vary depending on the model. There are many types of motorhome available with different sizes from 2 berths to 6 or more berths. You can choose the size and the facilities it offers, according to your needs and budgets. In addition, they have proven to be relatively less expensive when used for a family holiday.

There are certain safety measures that we should keep in mind while driving a motorhome. We should certain check things like brake, horn, accelerate, lights, indicators, wipers, seat belts etc before going for vacation. We should avoid driving in bad weather and strong winds. As the size and mass of the motor home, it can be very dangerous to travel during periods of strong wind. During the trip, you may experience problems such as theft, damage or any break down. To avoid such complications during your trip, it is better to have motorhome insurance. Motorhome insurance also covers you for injuries or accidents in your motor home as a result of others.

When you think enjoying your holidays with a motorhome, then you have two options. First option is to buy a motorhome. While going for buying a motorhome, there are some things which should be taken care of like motorhome layout and sleeping arrangements, Storage - both internal and external, vehicles loading capacity etc. And second option is: Motorhome Hire . It would be expensive if you go for purchasing them and you would be using them only twice or thrice a year. So hiring motorhome will be a better and economical option.

3 Berth Motorhome Hire

Friday 22 June 2012

How to chose a Motorhome Hire company for touring Scotland - Travel - Budget Travel

This article gives invaluable help in choosing a Motorhome Hire Company for touring Scotland including what type of Company and Motorhomes to avoid.CHOOSING A MOTORHOME Remember that the Motorhome you hire is where you will be living in, sleeping in, eating in, and driving in for the period you have hired it for, Therefore it is crucial you have a modern well equipped vehicle of a size which is applicable to the size and age of your party. Motorhome manufacturers tend to build the vehicles as compact as possible A motor home advertised as a 5 Berth would be totally unsuitable for any more than 3 Adults but would probably suit 2 adults and 2 children, A 6 berth motor home would only suit up to 4 adults maximum or 2 adults with 3 to 4 small children. Many 7 berth motorhomes are based on the six berth model but one of the lounge seats converts to a single. A true 7 berth with reasonable space will typically be 7.2 metres or over, Try to hire a Motorhome where every adult or p erson over 12 has a fixed bed , otherwise you will find yourself very cramped and having to make up beds late at night which in some motorhomes is like flat pack furniture building. CHECK WHATS INCLUDED IN THE PRICEBe very careful in checking the price and what is included, Many Companies dont include Insurance in the quoted prices, Also some advertise a week as the hire period this in many cases is only 6 nights collect say Saturday am Return Friday pm, Look for a company who gives you seven nights for your money. Many charge Extra for picnic table and chairs, barbeque, cycle rack Etc. Also you should also not be paying more than 500.00 security deposit and you should get this back when you return the Motorhome in good undamaged condition, (broken crockery is fair wear and tear and should not be charged) A wind out awning is essential make sure this is fitted. Check the age of the Motorhome if it over four years old .. give it a miss as its probably a bit tatty after 4 year s hiring.Your hired Motorhome should come with the following extras included in the hire price, If it does not then choose another Motorhome hire company? Full Comprehensive Insurance? Colour Rear view camera? Satellite Navigation? Blue tooth hand free phone connection? Flat Screen TV /DVD Player with multi slot (digital picture viewing)? Picnic table and chairs? Wind out Awning with Led exterior lighting? Fold out Barbeque? Rear Bike Rack? Gas included however if you run low the Motorhome should have refillable bottles which can be topped up at most fuel stations with LPG? Full comprehensive set of crockery for the size of your party? Cruise control and Six Speed gearbox? First Aid Kit, Gas alarm, Smoke alarm, Fire Extinguisher.? Torch, Binoculars? Toilet Fluid, Cleaning materials? List of wild camping spots, Maps and books on what to do and see in Scotland? 25 metre Electric hook up cable, 25 metre water filer hoseTYPES OF COMPANIES AVOIDMost of the big advertising compani es at the top of the Google search pages do not own any Motorhomes whatsoever they are office based providers who advertise private owners Motorhomes on their glossy web page for hire and take around 40% of what you pay, the owner only gets 60% thats why we hear of so many cases where at the last minute the Motorhome you had booked is not available and is substituted for another which is invariably much older and not the same specification as you originally booked but by this time it is to late to search around for another Motorhome hire company, You will be using a private owners personal property which they may have paid a lot of money for (or in some cases not a lot of money!!), so the slightest scratch or broken plate can see you lose your damage deposit, in most cases they will remove all the extras they consider as personal property in case they are damaged so you could end up with a basic vehicle which is not adequate in our opinion for a touring holiday. USE A BONA-F IDA HIRE COMPANY OR CHECK BEFORE YOU HIRE THAT YOU ARE HIRING/PAYING DIRECT TO THE OWNER OF THE MOTORHOME.WHY USE SCOTTISHTOURERWe own and have paid for all the Motorhomes in our fleet, We (Company Owners) personally inspect and test everything on every Motorhome before every hire, If you require Airport transfers it will be one of us who will meet you and return you to the Airport, and it will be one of us who will show you around your Motorhome and give advice on sightseeing and things to do in the areas you want to visit. You will be given our mobile numbers which you can contact us on 24/7 even if its late at night just to find somewhere nice to stop or even to check the internet for a nice restaurant in the area. We are here to ensure you have an enjoyable holiday in Scotland in a modern, immaculately clean, fully equipped touring Motorhome.

3 Berth Motorhome Hire

Advantages to taking motorhome hire Manchester on rent - Business - Sales

Although it has done for tighten all over the world. Lately, we know from many European statistics of interest to the United Kingdom come what presentation. A financial restriction in several searching touring is great options Britain With motor homes. If you cannot purchase a motor home or unwanted don provides actual driving. The United Kingdom from your home country, motorhome hire Manchester in Cheshire is the perfect solution by Cheshire services to Manchester Airport and the nearest Britain has to offer. A spectacular UK tour, you should consider is the road you taking of Manchester in England all the way up to the fascinating city of Edinburgh. It is a trip very popular for visitors to the United Kingdom because need you the heart of the House old industrial power of the England to the romance of the capital of Scotland through more than England. Countryside Council for Wales is a public body responsible for protecting and improving the natural environment of Wales. Part of his role is to administer areas of outstanding natural beauty in Wales and here we provide a quick guide to five of the top natural habitats in the country.There are many advantages to taking van vans for rent provides for extended travel to Scotland. The following are just a few of them.1. Comfort. Camper van hire in the North of Scotland is much more comfortable than you can expect. If you are the designated driver, you will not have to be plugged your place while you are traveling. You can lie down and read a book or watch TV. This is particularly useful if you are traveling with children can be restless retrieved during a long drive. At night, you know that you have a place, no matter where you happen to sleep.2. If you need to go on expedition isolated spot, you can easily take care of your personal needs, such as going to the bathroom or to find a place to eat. On the other hand you can easily deal with these issues if you take a camper van for hire with you a bout your daytrips. The typical camper van for hire to bathroom and kitchen, where you can view your daily needs. rent a motorhome hire Manchester in the North of Scotland opens up a completely new experience for the more adventurous traveler.3. Freedom of movement. When you get a mobile home for rent, you would not be limited, as you would if you used the hotel as your home base and rely on your rental car or public transport for your day trips. Therefore, it would not be able to investigate on your daytrips as much as you want because you have to get back to your hotel before dark or stick to the schedule of public transport. This can be restrictive. However, when you hire a camper van, you can stay overnight to any location you desire.4. Adventure. When we go on vacation outside the town, is often to relax and move into new adventures that will give us some excitement and fun. There is something more advent urous than driving across the rugged terrain of Scotland in a motorhome hire north wales for the Bill? Travelling in a motorhome for hire opens avenues for exciting encounters? Only you can know what you'll encounter while you're on the road.

Motor Home Hire UK

Thursday 21 June 2012

Motorhome vs. Travel Trailer - Autos - RVs

Motorhome or travel trailer? If you are venturing out to buy your first RV, or maybe just an upgrade, you have probably already asked yourself that question. There are many advantages and some disadvantages to both. Mostly you need to decide what you want to use your RV to do and where to go and your decision should not be a difficult one.

A motorhome can offer you a little more mobility than a travel trailer. If you travel extensively or are a "full-timer" a motorhome has more of what you are looking for. In a motorhome you will always be in your "home" even if traveling down the highway. Passengers always have full access to beds, kitchen, bathroom, and couch. However, 5th wheelers, when parked, have a much larger living space because of their slide-outs. Most travel trailers and 5th wheelers have slide-outs that almost touch when in travel mode. They open to allow a large and comfortable living space when parked. Motorhomes that have slide-outs are a bit confining when on the road.

External storage room is another important decision factor. 5th wheelers and Class A motorhomes generally have large external storage compartments but other trailers and Class C motorhomes generally lack such large storage areas. Maintenance of your RV is going to be less with travel trailers and 5th wheelers. Motorhomes have a few more "systems", which means more things that could malfunction. Also, if you have engine trouble with a motorhome, your whole home is stranded. With travel trailers the towing vehicle can be exchanged or replaced. Another small, yet important, contrast is height of motorhomes vs. travel trailers. Trailers are closer to the ground, only 1 to 2 stairs, whereas motorhomes are about 3 to 5 steps above the ground.

The comfort levels of motorhomes and travel trailers are tied if comparing them while both parked. However, while in-motion and during travel a motorhome takes the cake. Travelers can use all the amenities of the motorhome while in motion. A travel trailer with slide-outs may not even be accessible while in travel mode. Price, which is one of the most persuasive decision factors, is not as easily generalized to motorhomes vs. travel trailers. An average motorhome is generally going to cost more than an average travel trailer but there are many exceptions. There are so many different amenities, luxury levels, and sizes to both categories that price is always circumstantial. Of course, the larger the travel trailer you get the larger the towing vehicle will have to be, a crucial factor to keep in mind.

Last, but not least; safety factors of motorhomes vs. travel trailers. Due to the fact that drivers and passengers are protected by the steel frame of a truck around them, travel trailers are ranked higher in crash protection. However, it is also true that travel trailers are more likely to be involved in crashes. It is fairly common for travel trailers to jack-knife in the road or become overturned. Motorhomes are not too often involved in crashes except sometimes problems with their vehicle in tow. For more information please visit /

Motor Home Hire UK

Camper and Motorhome rental in Dublin this winter from Bunk Campers. - Travel - Budget Travel

Camper and Motorhome rental in Dublin this winter from Bunk Campers.Camper Dublin, Motorhome Dublin

Looking for Motorhome and Camper hire in Dublin this winter? Choose camper and motorhome hire from bunk campers.

Christmas is in the air in Dublin, and what better way to experience all Dublin has to offer than motorhome and camper hire from Bunk Campers?

Make the most of the winter festivals in Dublin by hire of a camper or motorhome at our great value low season rates, and take advantage of our free winter warmer pack which will keep customers cosy and warm in their Bunk camper or motorhome throughout this winter festival season. In addition, all Bunk Campers and motorhomes in Dublin come equipped with gas or diesel heating to keep the van warm throughout the night.

Bunk Campers is Ireland's largest camper and motorhome hire company with depots in both Dublin and Belfast. Bunk Campers' campers are compact, economical and easy to drive, while the 'grande' motorhome is truly a luxury during the cold winter nights in Dublin. With great value low season camper and motorhome hire rates and a minimum of 4 days hire, customers could be on the road in Dublin from around 25 per person per day including tax, insurance for UK & Irish licence holders, unlimited mileage and kitchen kit.

Theres lots to see and do with a camper in Dublin in this jolly festival season... The ever popular Merry Medieval Christmas kicks off from Nov 23rd until Christmas with all the medieval Christmas traditions as part of a guided tour of Dalkey Castle and two Children go free with two paying Adults.

Like to shop? You are going to love Dublin. No matter where you go, you will never be far from temptation. Dublin has always been a fashionable city and this is reflected in the wide choice and variety on offer to the visitor.You could take a camper or motorhome to the Dublin Docklands Christmas Market. The stalls are heavily decorated to create the illusion of a winter wonderland. Many stalls offer decorations as well as Christmas stocking fillers such as craft jewellery and art. Visitors also get the chance to taste traditional German specialities such as roasted nuts, raisins and bratwurst (German sausage) from The Swing Grill.In the evening time the market is light up with hundreds of Christmas lights and the crowds are entertained by storytellers, carol singers and bands.What better way to experience the spectacle than from the comfort of a Bunk camper or motorhome?

Book early to avoid disappointment in 2012! Call + 44 (0) 2890 755746 or email today to join the fun in Northern Ireland.Motor home and Campervan hire in Northern Ireland this winter from Bunk Campers.

3 Berth Motorhome Hire

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Camper and Motorhome rental in Dublin this winter from Bunk Campers. - Travel - Budget Travel

Camper and Motorhome rental in Dublin this winter from Bunk Campers.Camper Dublin, Motorhome Dublin

Looking for Motorhome and Camper hire in Dublin this winter? Choose camper and motorhome hire from bunk campers.

Christmas is in the air in Dublin, and what better way to experience all Dublin has to offer than motorhome and camper hire from Bunk Campers?

Make the most of the winter festivals in Dublin by hire of a camper or motorhome at our great value low season rates, and take advantage of our free winter warmer pack which will keep customers cosy and warm in their Bunk camper or motorhome throughout this winter festival season. In addition, all Bunk Campers and motorhomes in Dublin come equipped with gas or diesel heating to keep the van warm throughout the night.

Bunk Campers is Ireland's largest camper and motorhome hire company with depots in both Dublin and Belfast. Bunk Campers' campers are compact, economical and easy to drive, while the 'grande' motorhome is truly a luxury during the cold winter nights in Dublin. With great value low season camper and motorhome hire rates and a minimum of 4 days hire, customers could be on the road in Dublin from around 25 per person per day including tax, insurance for UK & Irish licence holders, unlimited mileage and kitchen kit.

Theres lots to see and do with a camper in Dublin in this jolly festival season... The ever popular Merry Medieval Christmas kicks off from Nov 23rd until Christmas with all the medieval Christmas traditions as part of a guided tour of Dalkey Castle and two Children go free with two paying Adults.

Like to shop? You are going to love Dublin. No matter where you go, you will never be far from temptation. Dublin has always been a fashionable city and this is reflected in the wide choice and variety on offer to the visitor.You could take a camper or motorhome to the Dublin Docklands Christmas Market. The stalls are heavily decorated to create the illusion of a winter wonderland. Many stalls offer decorations as well as Christmas stocking fillers such as craft jewellery and art. Visitors also get the chance to taste traditional German specialities such as roasted nuts, raisins and bratwurst (German sausage) from The Swing Grill.In the evening time the market is light up with hundreds of Christmas lights and the crowds are entertained by storytellers, carol singers and bands.What better way to experience the spectacle than from the comfort of a Bunk camper or motorhome?

Book early to avoid disappointment in 2012! Call + 44 (0) 2890 755746 or email today to join the fun in Northern Ireland.Motor home and Campervan hire in Northern Ireland this winter from Bunk Campers.

3 Berth Motorhome Hire

Pet Friendly Motorhome Hire

Pet Friendly Motorhome Hire

We often get asked if we do pet friendly motorhome hire and the answer is in most cases yes. There are a few pet free motorhomes that tend to be the newer ones, but in most cases if you want to take your dog with you it is OK, but do tell us first just to make sure. Call Motorholme on 0800 612 8719 anytime to discuss your requirements.

Anyway whilst writing this, I do wonder why most people Google pet friendly motorhome hire when really they mean dog friendly motorhome hire. Ive definitely never heard of anyone wishing to take their cat or fish on a motorhome holiday, maybe some people sneak their pet snake or tarantula with them without telling us?

So will you be taking your dog to the pub on your holiday? Times are changing. You might have noticed that in the UK some pubs welcome children but exclude dogs, often these tend to be pubs doing food and stuff like that. Some pubs only allow dogs at outside tables, which is OK, but some of those wont serve food outside which is not OK.

The commonest excuses about not allowing dogs are its the regulations, or Brussels, or they bark at the bar stools. We know this is all it is an excuse, as it is not actually illegal at all, except in the food preparation area.

Anyway we hope you have a great holiday with your dog, cat, fish, snake or spider Motorholme have the largest network of motorhomes for hire in the UK, so Id like to stick my neck out and say that they also have the largest network for pet friendly motorhome hire too.

Motorhome Rentals UK